Everyone is Pregnant
Lots of people I went to med school with or residency or know professionally from my year are pregnant. Lots. And, I am very happy for them. But, it makes me wonder - will I ever feel that biological drive to have a child? to be honest, I really like my life how it is. I like that I don't have to go drop kids off at daycare and that I can go for a long bike ride on a weekend with Ben without worrying about babysitters. I like that my house is neat and tidy some of the time and that we have no toys other than Ben's Lego. I hold a lot of babies and they're cute and all but I never get sad that I get to given them back. But, I worry that our life won't feel complete or full. I worry that we'll regret it down the road, especially when we're old and lonely. I'm not sure that just the two of us is enough to make a whole life, I mean, aren't we eventually going to get bored of each other?
I'm confused.