Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tomorrow is my final day as a resident. ever. The big wide world is looming in the distance and I'm pretty scared. All month I've been thinking that I feel ready to be done, but this past day I've been worried. What if I forgot how to do family medicine in the last 6 months of being an OB/Gyn fellow? I'm going to miss the life of always having an attending around that I can call.

In other news of becoming a grown-up, Ben and I bought a house. So, I officially have no money and won't get any money until the ministry of health pays me sometime in Feb. So, I need to be smart with what remains of my savings. Thank goodness Ben has a steady paying job!


XE said...

This is all so exciting! Congratulations on both. Have a fabulous day tomorrow (and take a picture to remember your last day ever in medical training!)

Solitary Diner (Also Known as The Frugalish Physician) said...

Congratulations on the house and starting a "real job". Also, how on earth do you still have savings to live off of? I'm so far in the hole that it'll be almost a decade before I dig myself out of it.

medstudentitis said...

Solitary - I have very generous parents who paid my medical school tuition and I did my residency in a small town where the cost of living was relatively cheap.

Liana said...


(You will be fine. If you weren't worried at all about being out on your own, then I'd be worried about you!)

Milk and Two Sugars said...

Congratulations - what wonderful, long-earned achievements. I hope you will be very happy with both.

Liana said...

How'd it go?