Saturday, March 10, 2012

I have one more week to remember how to ride a bike outside before going away to South Carolina with my hubby and teammates for an adventurous and exhausting week of bike riding in the rolling hills and mountains of north and south Carolina. Let's hope I survive. I see a lot of naps in my future. I think this is one of those vacations that I need a vacation to recover from!

In other news, tonight is the worst night of the year - we lose an hour of sleep. Too bad I have an activity planned for tomorrow and can't sleep in :(


Nurse and Hospital Stories said...

"I think this is one of those vacations that I need a vacation to recover from!"

Have fun with that vacation, eh. To have a vacation while being a medical practitioner is almost heaven already. Have fun!

Take care,
Peny@nursing uniforms

Milk and Two Sugars said...

Good luck!