Why is it that I can't seem to take my own advice? I've been suffering through horrible back pain every time I ride my bike for about a year now. I remember that last year's 8 hour race turned into a 4 hour because my back hurt so much. Fast forward, this year's 8 hour is in a week, today's 3 hour ride had to be cut short at 2 hours because of... wait for it... cripple back pain! I really should have gone to a physiotherapist (which is what I would have told my patients) a year ago. Why didn't I go? I'm cheap. I have no coverage and physio is expensive. Yes, I can afford it but would prefer if the pain just went away on its own, but it hasn't, so tomorrow I'm calling for a physiotherapy assessment. A year of pain is enough I think! Hopefully I can get one organized pretty quickly and have it during my day off so I don't have to take any time away from work and cause patient and receptionist anger.