Friday, August 16, 2013

change... again

Our office seems to be in a constant state of flux. Managers retiring, new manager starting, managers sucking, managers leaving, interviewing new managers etc. etc. etc. In the absence of a manager the MDs have had to pick up the slack and act as an office manager. I must often have a look of panic on my face because my colleagues have told me I need some time off. I dream about full sharps boxes and paper shredding boxes and needing to discipline employees. I just was not trained for this and never wanted to do anything like this. Management is just not something I get any pleasure from. I also don't like change. Too much going on all at once.

Plus, I have a patient who came in to get copies of his xrays of an injury to "take to a lawyer" and now I wake up in a cold sweat afraid that I'm getting sued. I'm just waiting to be served papers. Ugh. I know I didn't do anything wrong, but that doesn't mean you don't get sued in this business...


Liana said...

The no manager thing sounds brutal.

Try not to worry too much about the patient who wanted his X-rays. Maybe he wanted them to sue someone else? Sorry though... sounds stressful.

Milk and Two Sugars said...

Ugh, that sounds horrible - both the chaotic practice and the insinuation of a law suit. One of our departments went through a similar period of chaos over about 6 months when we had a new head of department and a series of his assistants who just couldn't cope with the demands of the job. The good news is that on the third assistant he finally found the right fit and the department has never run more smoothly. I hope your practice finds the right person soon.

Dr Mama said...

OMG. Do we work at the same place? I feel your pain.

Irma said...
