Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Do you ever feel like your life is a movie? Today I was walking home from the OSCE and it was lovely out and the sky was clear and blue, I was listening to James Taylor, and suddenly I felt like I was in a movie. Everything was perfect, the air was clean and refreshing and there were runners and bikers going past, and I was finished my OSCE!!!

It went well I think. Nothing I wasn't expecting, nothing out of the ordinary, a resp exam, a cardio exam, a depression history, an angry patient with a UTI, a guy with post cancer surgery pain, a girl with a sore throat and ear, and an upper extremity neuro exam. I finished most of the physicals early... the sore throat station seemed a little short but there wasn't anything else I could think to do, and, 60 is a pass so even if I screwed up 1/8 stations I'll still be ok. And, the best thing, is that I'm done! Yay!

Now on to studying for finals, I'm really behind.

Painting by Luke Chueh


XE said...

Congrats! You must be so relieved to have that over with.
For the sore throat station I wouldn't worry about it not taking much time. From what I can tell there really isn't much to do besides taking her temp., looking at her throat and ears, checking for enlarged LNs, making sure she doesn't have a stiff neck, and asking if she's been coughing at all. I know I'm not in med school yet or anything, but I can't really think of anything else you'd need to look at.
Good luck on finals! (I really ought to go study for mine now too)

The Little Medic said...

Congrats, glad the OSCE went well. I hate that feeling when you get a short station, you always think you've missed something major when actually its just a fairly simple station that you know well.
*goes off to revise for my OSCE, i'm so looking forward to that post-exam feeling*

origin said...

Congrats on completing your OSCE. I always finished early too - so don't sweat it. You do what you need to do and you move on.

Enjoy your post-OSCE time. :-)

medstudentitis said...

Sometimes they come up with crazy shit that you just forgot about like saying that you're inspecting for rashes, etc. Anyhoo, everything's only worth one point, and you can't ask the patient anything except "does this hurt" so it makes it easier... and in ways harder.

Thanks everyone for your comments. I'm back to crazy studying for finals now. The topic of the day is pediatric urology and nephrology. Epispadius anyone?