Monday, September 22, 2008

I am a bad blogger. I just finished ortho and now I'm starting medicine subspecialties - nephro x 2 weeks and then rheumatology x 3 weeks. I can already say that nephro is scary. Basically the fellow said we had to read nephro every night to get anything other than a "marginal pass". That coupled with the fact that i"m taking the internal medicine NBME - which means I have to read all of internal medicine in the span of 5 weeks, means I'm going to shit my pants every night. I also have to finish my CV for CaRMS so I can send it to my referees. I also forgot to ask one person to be my referee so need to now hunt him down to do so. I heard that asking people by email was bad... so I guess I have to find him in person, which is difficult. Ugh. I wish I was still on ortho. The nights were long and the mornings early, but at least I was kind of smart at it.


Milk and Two Sugars said...

Oh, that's nasty. I'm sorry to hear that their demands on you are so unreasonable. I wish you sanity, patience, and someone close by for a hug. I'll send cyber ones.

The Happy Hospitalist said...

Welcome to internal medicine