Monday, August 22, 2011

Jack Layton

Dear Jack,
I was so sad to hear of your passing today. You were a fighter both personally and politically and have inspired a whole new generation to embrace the socialist agenda. Your accomplishments are many, most notably turning the Canadian conservative political scene on its head during the last election. I sincerely hope that you death does not derail the plans you have for Canada, as I think your vision is of a better country for us all.

I hope you did not suffer and that you went gently into the night. I offer my condolences to your family and hope that they had time to tell you how much they loved you. Canada is far worse off without you.


XE said...

Sad, sad news. The letter he left for Canadians was inspiring and classy and totally Jack though. Almost cried when I read it.

Rach said...

I was so sad to hear about this today. The letter was amazing.

Liana said...

Very sad and unfortunate.