Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Going to the doctor

It's funny when you're a med student and you go to the doctor and they tell you that you have something that you don't think you have. And then it's also funny when they give you antibiotics and they don't work because, gasp, you don't have the thing that you don't think you have. I got diagnosed with scarlet fever on Sunday after repeatedly telling the doctor that my rash isn't red, it's just bumpy, and the reason that my face was red is that I was flushed from the heat in the waiting room. How many times do I have to tell him that before he believes me? So, I'm on amoxil but it totally isn't doing anything. He took a throat swab and I get the results today I believe. Now, do I stop taking the amox when the throat swab is negative or do I keep taking the whole script? I guess I can't induce antibiotic resistance if I never had the bug in the first place.

The new question of the day is - what the hell is this rash. I think it's irritant dermatitis from air pollution exposure. It started the day after I moved back to Toronto and went walking outside on a day with a high smog alert. It's just like dermatitis, it's just all over my face and neck which is unusual for me. It's a diffuse papular rash all over the face and neck with some clusters around the corners of my eyes and corners of my mouth. From what I can tell, I just need some cortisone. Instead, stupid amox. I need to go to my family doc. She actually listens to me.

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