Friday, December 15, 2006

Well.. it's an end... not the one I was hoping for

Our practical today was BRUTAL. Last year's practical was so easy compared to ours. Why do I need to know the layers of the vocal folds? WHAT THE HELL. I can see needing to read an audiogram or look at a red eye, but the fucking layers of the vocal folds? kill me now. We all started laughing when we saw the question because nobody knew it, no one. I also didn't recognize that the histology slice we were given was the pons, oops. there goes another 10 marks. So, basically, I hope I did well on the short answer or I might be revisiting neurology in the summer.

But, I'm done. Now it's time to break out the christmas music and the white wine. Medstudentitis is home!


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...that semester block (neuro, psych, ent, ophtho) sounds very much like a semester block I had in med school. Do you go to a school in a town with a prison, some army dudes and whole lot of drunk engineers? (Haven't read your whole blog, maybe you've mentioned which school you're at). Anyway, if that sounds right, then I KNOW YOUR PAIN.
Also, I hate to tell you my dear that this just never gets better. So sorry to have to say this. I'm in second year of residency now and just had one of the most brutal oral exams of my life. And that was only one little stepping stone forward to that final death, the royal college exams. Boo. Hmm, maybe it does get better after that...can't think that far ahead.
Have a wonderful christmas, I like your blog (what I've read of it so far). Enjoy your time at med school!

medstudentitis said...

Hello Anon,
I think you went to my med school. Shhh don't tell anybody. Not that anything I write on this blog is true...

Sad to hear life will not improve, but atleast I'm going in with my eyes open!

The Angry Medic said...

Oh, you know what you were in for when you signed up, Medsutudentitis :)

But all medics need a little downtime. Happy hols dude!