Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Baby Count

I think my baby count is up to 4, 7 if you count C-sections. I wish we had ore. If I was here on weekends I think I could be up to 6 vaginal deliveries. I think I'm improving with my dexterity with each one to be able to do more myself with the coordination of cord gases and baby care and placenta management :) When it's just the Mom things don't seem very complicated, but when you're looking after the baby too, there's an added layer of complexity. My vaginal laceration sewing is getting better too. Of course, nobody wants anyone to have a tear (I managed one tear-less delivery) but the jigsaw puzzle of tissue is starting to make more sense now. It's funny how when you look at enough of them they actually start looking like something...


Amy said...

Ha. Placenta Management. Can you get a degree in that?

medstudentitis said...

It's a post-grad masters :) MPM - masters in placenta management. I hear they offer it at SFU. You should apply :)

XE said...

Glad you're getting to deliver some babies (I'm so jealous!). Hope there's a sudden baby boom in Guelph just for you, but not so many babies that you don't ever get to sleep :)