So, other than being a medstudent, I am also an avid cyclist. I actually used to hate biking with a passion... but then I actually tried it with someone fun and got into it. I'll try anything once if it's with a cute guy (said cute biking guy now happens to be my boyfriend, go me!) And hey, it sure beats running. I used to think that running would get to be more enjoyable the more I did it so I misguidedly ran for a year and hated every moment of it, then I decided I was going to stop torturing myself. I know that some people really do love it and all the more power to them, but I do love whizzing past them on my bike.
Anyways... back to the bike ride. Today I went on an amazing ride beside lake Ontario. It was about 20 degrees and sunny and was my first outing in shorts for the season. I also got to wear my new pink cow-girl inspired jersey with the words "giddy up!" on the back, something I've been wanting to do since I got it at the bitter cold end of last season. Oh, and did I mention it matches my cow-girl inspired cycling shoes? I currently own one bike, my first bike since I was 10, and it's not great but it's not crap either. Unfortunatley, I'm limited by the fact that it's a mountain bike. It's great for, well, mountain biking but when I want to go out on the open road it can be somewhat stunting. This summer I hope to invest in a little road-bike (little because I'm little).
Today I went out on a rural highway on my mountainbike, was promptly passed by a flurry of roadbikers, and resumed being on my own and enjoying every minute of it. There was an offshore breeze and it wasn't so hot I was sweating to death. Perfect warm womb-like temperature. There was only one thing to taint my ride, unfriendly road cyclists. I will never understand why other bikers are unfriendly on the road when I'm just minding my own business, following all the rules of the road, not being TOO slow and just generally loving the same sport that they do. I hate it when I nod and they don't nod back. I assume it's because I'm not cool and roadie enough, but give me a break, atleast I'm not your competition! Maybe it's just because they pass me too fast to notice that I even exist. I was feeling bitter but then on my way back through town a roadie did say hello to me and it made up for the other 5 silent-types, I guess.
Too end off I'll put in a sweet biking photo, unfortunatley not of my but of my boyfriend. He is much cooler on the bike than I am!