Sunday, February 28, 2010


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Figure skating controversy

Watching Elvis Stojko today on TV makes me laugh. If he was competing in today's system he would have never won because he can only jump and can't skate in between. He doesn't understand that pushing the envelope can include more difficult footwork and spins and doing your jumps in the second half because it's mentally more tiring and you risk falling on non-jump elements. One jump doesn't make a sport. It's just like any other sport - a perfect 960 can beat a scrappy 1140 that loses you all your speed.

Overall Plushenko's jumps weren't great, he wasn't in a good position in the air, his toes basically came through his skates to save a few. He stood around and posed on the ice in the last minute of the program and didn't do any jumps at the end of the program. His choreography sucked and he hardly moved on the ice at all during his footwork. The quad alone doesn't win the olympics.

Friday, February 19, 2010

There are some things you just can't look up. There are some scenarios that just aren't in "up to date" or your pediatrics textbook.

I had a friend call me today about a case and she was afraid to talk to the consultant in the hospital because they are slightly disgruntled that we are taking care of our own newborns. Hmmm... what to do? Especially if our direct family practice supervisor is away for the day. Conflict doesn't bode well for patient care.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I have olympic fever. Or, more accurately, olympic tears, joy and bliss. I have already cried on the highway, honked my horn like a maniac on the highway and stayed up WAAAAY too late watching olympics on tv.

My childhood friend Mercedes is competing in half-pipe today and I have my fingers crossed 10 or 12 times. GO CANADA!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Will someone please let me know if they fix google reader so you can read password protected sites?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


One of the physios at the arthritis program today me yesterday that it took her two years to really be confident about her examination and findings. Good thing because I am not confident in my joint count AT ALL at this stage. Oh well. The rheumatologist will check all my findings but I just find this skill elusive.

Today I have to go sit in a lecture theater and hear all about practice management. Good thing I'm already sleepy. Should be easy to snooze through it.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The battle to keep motivated

Sometimes keeping motivated is a real battle. I can just sit here and be fine with the dishes piling up and the laundry not being done and not reading journals or reading around my cases. Sometimes that feels just fine - until I wake up in a mess with no clean clothes and no dishes. Or even worse, my husband comes to visit on the weekend and feels like he's been made to be my maid and clean up after me and we argue. I need to get back on the wagon. I need to train more. I need to pull my socks up and get out of this hole.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

It's funny that when you've bottled up or pushed down a lot of emotions they come out in weird and wonderful ways. For me I think all of the emotions of palliative care hit me yesterday while driving to work and hearing that Andy Barrie is stepping down from his broadcasting booth on CBC. As most listeners know, Andy has parkinsons disease and is finding the early mornings harder and harder on his day to day living. My brother hates Andy Barrie (mostly because he has a long standing habit of throat clearing even from his pre-parkinsons days) but I love him. I find him funny and relaxed and pretty amazing to keep working at 5 a.m. despite his disease. Cheers to you Andy Barrie.

Monday, February 01, 2010

I forgot how good Guns n' Roses are... damn. Best 12 bucks I ever spent on itunes.