Friday, November 07, 2008

Well, the formal is over and I never got called. It was odd, I called in at 5 and gave the resident my pager number. She asked me if I wanted to be called or not and I was like "Whatever you prefer" and then she said that if I didn't want to come she wouldn't bother calling me but then I said "I want to learn so call me". She made it seem like there were consultations already in the emerg. It's 6 hours later and I wasn't called. I wonder if she interpreted my trepidation or unsureness as disinterest... I hope not. I hope to have at least a few busy call evenings so I have some idea of what to do when I'm on call in my R1 year. Maybe Sunday will be busier.


Milk and Two Sugars said...

I once had a surgical registrar who wouldn't call me despite me a) writing my number in her notebook, b) putting it into her phone for her, and c) letting her know, morning and afternoon, that I was keen to be called. Apparently this was her approach to everyone so at least I didn't have to take it personally! I hope your next on-call shifts are busier.

Guy said...

i wouldn't usually call med students, in lnd I told them to hang around if they wanted to do something.

medstudentitis said...

Well, we're on home call so there's no call room or any call facilities at the hospital. So, hanging around while the resident has gone home is pretty useless. On other rotations that are in the hospital with call rooms and such that's usually my strategy.