Doctors are truly the worst patients. I got to work today and was feeling a bit dizzy... checked my BP in curiosity and it was 74/56. oops! Guess I'm a bit dry!
Winds of change are blowing...
Doctors are truly the worst patients. I got to work today and was feeling a bit dizzy... checked my BP in curiosity and it was 74/56. oops! Guess I'm a bit dry!
4:42 PM
Did you get someone at work to bolus you some fluids?
Yeesh. Or septic? That's quite the BP!
well, I'm not really one to be hypertensive at the outset but I definitely had postural drop. I quit work early and went home to drink gastrolyte and gatorade.
Eep. Hope you are feeling better now.
Completely off topic, what are your thoughts about the fee kafuffle in Ontario?
Ah, the kafuffle. Well, I agree that some procedures done by some specialties are overpaid. i.e. cataracts. I do not agree that family doctors are overpaid and that all our incentives to take on complicated elderly and mental health patients should be dropped. I also think the move to get rid of income stabilization and "replace it with another program" yet to be announced is a bad move and will penalize young physicians and make them locum for longer before starting a practice. I might just locum forever, at least I know how much I will get paid.
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