Sunday, November 11, 2007

Study Study Study

Well, finals are just around the corner again and I'm struggling to get enough work done and do the other things that have come to be important to me (spend time with Ben, go to the gym, sleep 8 hours). This week was the week that the gym got sacrificed so i would have time to participate in our yearly medical school talent night. With that over, it's back to the books and the gym (hopefully). Ben just left and I have 6 more lectures to review tonight in order to meet this week's study goal. eek. Wish me luck.

I also bought some awesome looking beets today and I'm hoping to make some delicious study food from them - I'll post more about that once it gets accomplished.


Amy said...

Beets and delicious do not belong in the same sentence together. :)

Liana said...

I love beets. The first time I had beets, I ate so many that I ended up with beeturia. Sorry if that's too much information!

medstudentitis said...
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medstudentitis said...

I ended up with Beetochezia today ... or is it beetmelena?