Thursday, May 03, 2007


You would think that since I do nothing all day I would have lots of time to post on my blog. But, the problem with doing nothing is that you become a big blob of nothing with no opinions or interesting tidbits to tell or stories from your day because... you didn't do anything.

I'm still waiting for the temp agency to call with something. I broke up this week's monotony of nothingness with some gym, a little bit of lunch with medic friends, a bit of brunch with a highschool friend I haven't seen in forever, and I'm going to go visit my grandparents tomorrow.

I don't know how people live their lives doing nothing. I mean, out there there must be someone who's unemployed at not looking who has no desire to work... but I just couldn't do it. Even if I had a hobby or 30, I feel so unproductive and like such a leech off society. And I'm not even on welfare!

I was going to write a long post about facebook, and I probably still will, just not today. I just turned into the menstrual monster and it's sucking all the life out of me. So, maybe tomorrow when I've regained some of my will to live.


XE said...

I know exactly what you mean. I've only been out of school for three days, and I've applied for 22 jobs in the last two, but I'm still SO bored. There is only so much TV you can watch, and I feel like my brain is melting out my ears. As a result i'm spending a ridiculous amount of time on blogger and facebook, waiting for the call that will (hopefully!) tell me I have a job. I have to get a job soon if I have any hope of regaining my cognitive function before the boob tube turns me into a mindless drone. Wow, I definitely just rambled on forever there, sorry about that. Evidence of boredom, I think.

XE said...

I've applied to just about every store in the Eaton Centre, and it looks like I might be working at Spring, Feet First, or Bluenotes. I don't know for sure yet though.

The Angry Medic said...

Hahahahahahaha you do make me laugh sometimes.

I do nothing too, but I just have bad stuff happen to me spontaneously, so I still have crap to blog about. I guess I do what many people without lives don't think of doing - make one up :)

Looking forward to more of your tales of work In. The. Big. Bad. World! *cue 'Apprentice' theme music*

The Angry Medic said...

Oi lazybones. *poke* Update this thing, will ya? I need somewhere to procrastinate :)