Thursday, June 07, 2007

While researching female sexuality and ritualization of sex, I came across this very poignant piece of writing:

The Wedding Night
And if I may speak of my wedding night,
I had expected caresses. Sweet kisses. Hugging and love.
No. Never!
Awaiting me was pain. Suffering and sadness.
I lay in my wedding bed, groaning like a wounded
animal, a victim of feminine pain.
At dawn, ridicule awaited me.
My mother announced: Yes, she is a virgin.

And now I appeal: I appeal for love lost, for dreams
For the right to live as a whole human being,
I appeal to all peace loving people to protect, to
support and give a hand to innocent little girls
who do no harm.
Obedient to their parents and elders, all they know
is only smiles.
Initiate them to the world of love, not to the world
of feminine sorrow!

Dahaho Ali Muse, Somalia [Lycos Web site.
index.html. Accessed July 8, 2006.] (extract from an English article).

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